Seema’s education and experience spans nearly 30 years in corporate and wellness settings. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate (M.S., LPCA) and a Certified Holistic Health Counselor (CHHC). Seema specializes in working with people who feel stuck and are looking to live a more conscious life, a life strewn with a deeper sense of meaning and contentment. Her work is centered on facilitating and guiding people along their own journey towards once again rediscovering who they really are, at their core. Seema integrates her expertise in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Eidetic Image Psychology, Nutritional/Wellness Counseling, Psychology of Eating, Reiki, Meditation, Dance and Movement among other tools and techniques that have been vital to her journey of healing and transformation. Seema shares the wisdom she has gained and brings a deeper level of understanding and compassion to the challenges faced by her clients.
Welcome! It feels like my journey towards healing started when I was 33, back in December 2006. As
background, I am ethnically Indian, born and raised in Hong Kong which was then a British colony (and
now part of China) and came to the US when I was 19 for college and created my life here ever since
then. When I graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1996, I started working in a marketing
consulting firm in Westport, CT. The work was challenging and I felt competent and fulfilled, until I
didn’t. Quite mysteriously, by the end of 2006, I felt a deep heaviness enter me and I remember not
wanting to get out of bed in the morning. By then, my daughter was 2 years old and we had moved into
our new house. Things looked ‘good’ from the outside, but I wasn’t.
I remember just thinking “There has to be more to my life” and it almost felt like someone or something heard my inner plea and began pointing me towards steps I needed to take. I kept my consulting job, but I had a different mindset based on the resources and books I felt guided to at the time.

At the same time, I enrolled in a Holistic Health Counseling program which fueled my feelings of wellbeing and opened up professional opportunities, including joining a start-up as their VP Wellness and working with top-tier clients on key wellness initiatives. I saw the power of eating right and thinking right as foundational pillars of wellbeing and was able to, based on my training in holistic health counseling, guide people on their journey to wellness.
But by 2012, 6 years after my low point (at age 33 in December 2006), I hit a plateau. Even though I had a good understanding of how to nourish the body with health-promoting foods, thoughts and lifestyle choices, something was still lacking and at the brink of turning 40, I became undone once more. I was at a Compassionate Communications workshop held at a local health center (I was in a workshop/retreat-heavy period of my life.) and when it was my turn to introduce myself, all I could say was “My name is Seema. I want to speak my truth but I don’t know what that is” and I started crying. Someone sitting close to me gave me the name of a woman whom she suggested I contact, and I did. I did not know I was given a name of therapist – as an Indian woman from Hong Kong, going to see a therapist is not commonplace and I did not know what I was getting myself into. All I knew was I was struggling to find my center and feeling fulfilled no matter what I did.
Now, 10 years later, I can see how the deeper inner work has been transformative which in turn led me to go back to school for my Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. It has been so rewarding to take all the work I have done on myself and experiences I have gained over the years and be able to work with others to find their way back to themselves.